menshairlossMale hair loss, while common, remains a topic that very few want to discuss. Whether from denial or embarrassment, not addressing hair loss, the causes, and possible treatments can lead to an unnecessary worsening of the condition. So to help demystify male pattern baldness, here are five things about men’s hair loss you were afraid to ask but always wanted to know.

  1. How Many Men Suffer From Hair Loss?

A lot. By age 30, 30 percent of men are experiencing hair loss. By age 50, that number reaches 60 percent. By age 60, two in three men are as hairless as a newborn kangaroo. The reality is most men are likely to suffer from hair loss at some point in their lives. For most, the hope is for the balding to start later, not sooner.

  1. Did I Cause My Hair Loss?

Not likely. Male pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is primarily a genetic condition that can originate from both the maternal and paternal sides of your family. Specifically, androgenetic alopecia is caused by DHT, a type of hormone that closes the follicle, causing the hair to fall out. Contrary to popular belief, wearing hats, having clogged pores and frequent shampooing are not causes of hair loss.

  1. What Age Might I Start Losing My Hair?

Men’s hair loss can begin any time after the onset of puberty. Men as young as 20 can experience significant hair loss. Early hair loss can lead to serious insecurities, so it’s important to take charge and be proactive in finding a solution that works for you if you’re a young man dealing with premature balding.

  1. If I Notice My Hair Thinning, What Should I Do?

First of all don’t panic. It’s natural and routine to lose and regrow hair, so some extra hair strands on your comb isn’t a sign that balding is imminent. With that said, up to 50 percent of hair is gone before most men take notice, so don’t be in denial if there are visible signs that your hair isn’t as thick as it used to be. Schedule an appointment with your doctor to see what is causing your hair loss and what treatments are available to slow the process if you are indeed suffering from male pattern baldness.

  1. Can I Grow My Hair Back?

There are a variety of treatments available that can result in some hair growth. At Genesis II we specialize in both surgical and non-surgical hair replacement. Our hair loss solutions are customized to you and your specific set of needs. To schedule a free hair loss evaluation call us at (315) 458-1074 or to contact us via email click here.


Photo Credit: Leonid Mamchenkov Via Flickr Creative Commons