6 Men’s Hair Loss Myths Debunked!

hair loss

For men, hair loss is devastating. Watching their hairline disappear is threatening to the ego. It brings feelings of their youth fading as fast as their hairline. It can affect intimate relationships and it’s not completely unheard of for men to change their careers because of it. It seems extreme, but this is how overwhelming […]

Celebrities That Struggle With Hair Loss

When you think about hair loss, you often think of it as a problem that occurs with age. While that is true to a certain extent, it’s also a common misconception to believe that only older individuals can experience hair thinning or loss. No matter what your age is, anyone can experience it. It’s much […]

Women and Hair Loss: What Are Some Causes?

Society expects women to have beautiful hair – just look at all the advertisements for hair products. Shampoos, conditioners, hair color, and thousands of other hair-oriented items crowd the shelves at stores and are available online. So, when a woman loses her hair, she is traumatized and sometimes even withdraws from society. Fortunately, the causes […]

Top 6 Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Have you ever encountered unusual shedding of hair? Losing your precious hair can be devastating. It gets even worse when you can’t tell the problem. Different factors contribute to hair loss. Some of these factors are artificial while others natural. Over-styling How much do you style your hair? Do you take it too far? If […]

5 Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss can be a traumatic event in any person’s life, but the experience is often completely life-changing for women. Self-consciousness and a lack of self-esteem often go hand in hand with premature hair loss — making many women feel helpless and alone. But if you can get to the root cause of your own […]

3 Hair Loss New Year’s Resolutions for 2018

New Year is a time for new beginnings and a fresh approach to life. For someone dealing with the emotional effects of hair loss, this time of year represents a great opportunity to become proactive about the impact this distressing condition can have. For some people, premature hair loss is about lost youth and getting […]

Top Hair Loss Myths Busted

For centuries, myths regarding hair loss have been circulating in communities worldwide. While some may be true, others are completely false. Have you heard of these crazy hair loss myths? Find out which are true and which are not. And which do you believe? Too much hair washing—or not enough! While it is normal for […]

5 Ways Hair Loss Impacts a Person’s Well-Being

Though hair loss treatments are available today, becoming the perpetual victim of bald jokes and being stared at in gatherings can terribly impact one’s well-being. In a society where a full, beautiful head of hair serves as a symbol of attractiveness and youth, living with baldness is challenging and can certainly lead to insecurity. Here […]

Top 5 Surprising Causes of Hair Loss

Losing your hair can be a traumatic experience, especially when it is sudden or unexpected. If you are properly caring for your hair, it may be hard to understand why you are experiencing hair loss. Unfortunately, there are a lot of surprising factors at play when it comes to the health of your hair. Here […]

Too Much of a Good Thing: Healthy Foods That Can Cause Hair Loss

A healthy diet usually leads to healthy hair — and just about everyone knows that too much sugar and high-fat junk food can have just the opposite effect. But some of the foods we’ve all been taught to think of as healthful can also cause hair to thin split and even total hair loss. How Do […]